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Thursday, November 22, 2007

PeopleNology building, thinly layered over millions of years of

This is, I think, very much, a world full of people and
modern organizations that have become disconnected
for many reasons.

In our swift progression as a human species we went
from running away from the beasts of the earth to
standing in line at the banks, from hunting our food
with spears to hunting and pecking on computer

We have only a very few centuries of culture
building, thinly layered over millions of years of
biological evolution, our inner core instinctive
reactions have not yet caught up with the outer
reality of our world today.

PeopleTopia removes the fear and anxiety of your
people to allow your company to innovate better
products, offer competitive services and capture the
upward-thrusting energy of all your people no
matter their title or authority.

You can take action, increase productivity, reduce
turnover rates very quickly.

PeopleTopia services, they make you get up and do
something and your first free step is sending
PeopleTopia an email for our free starter kit.

Greg Bodenhamer