All Women Should Be Millionaires

All Women Should Be Millionaires
Start Your Business Right Now

Sunday, September 06, 2009


You must reach your individual potential so you can improve the entire group of individuals that drive your company.

The give and take policy of your employees, friends and family will not do the task. Most people are taught by teachers that only know certain things to be true.

Your math teacher educated you about 2 + 2 = 4 and other arithmetic sums. If this equals that then this must be true. It’s the foundation or starting point for most of us.

PeopleNology by Greg Bodenhamer Motor Freight Management

We know our A B C’s because some other person said it was true and the way of the world. We understand that the apple will fall from the tree to the earth.

What many people fail to understand is the knowledge about people. People, just like me and you struggle daily with our knowledge. We strive to achieve some disciplined result and we wonder why we sometimes fail.

Others tell us when we win and when we sin. It must be unpleasant to lose the race as everybody bets on the winner? Your place in the future is being determined by other people with more knowledge.

Their experience drives your future. Their position of strength allows your weakness. The stronger and bigger they become the weaker and smaller you become.

How can you turn the tide? What would you do with unknown knowledge? How many people need to know what I know?

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