All Women Should Be Millionaires

All Women Should Be Millionaires
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Thursday, May 04, 2006

BedRock BedRoom BoardRoom Bodenhamer Nollijy PeopleNology American Poetry Published 2006



Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

Whispering Millers Valley

my love pure and from afar
not even god can
change what’s true

Greg Bodenhamer
Mechancisburg Pa 17055
All Material Copyright Protected

Whispering Millers Valley
My story is surrendered, whispered across the trees, i’m so afraid he’ll hear my words, he’s so much stronger than i could be, the right and fair is to turn away from dreams, the valley held him, hand made by god, if by chance, on this very spot, he promised me he shall pass this place again, forget not this valley for i come every day, he gave me truth for no favors and love without chance, i tried not to give in, i even tried to explain, i will be here tomorrow for my dreams are this man.

my sudden fear gave confidence his heart contained all my words, for respect he could not embrace me, even though it was my only dream, he added everything that i feared to speak, like nothing before him he made me think , my years in life held me back, upon that day i never wanted to end, he offered me a set of promises that i will always keep and consider my own, he asked me to be safe even though not in his own house, to stay close and stay by his side, i would suffer no disgrace even in uncertain times, the truth would bridge every river and these three things could be done, only through love i may lay my head down.
Whispering Millers Valley
i close my eyes and you become so clear, the place you must live you must hold dear, you must have a stream that the storm brings down, to turn the miller wheel round and round, of heaven the drops must fall, the streams make a river and you borrow it all, forget not your way, the place where i’ll be, waiting for you by the beautiful tree, promises kept and the secrets kept close,
you’ll remember my sudden fear, you gave me confidence with not a word to hear, the shinning light of that perfect day, was the first time you saw my life, your eyes caught me looking as your lips covered my own and you looked upon my face and you spoke my name so pure,
how can two strangers be filled from the start, the heart consumed and pounding i felt it in my heart, as if a loving hand had found us and the stars carried our names, your kiss was slow and cautious, as only youth would throw away, your pleasant touch astounds me, i never pulled away, you looked upon me, taking the breath from my words, i had to look away before you said another word, i have my home but you have my soul, as we stood on the edge of the valley and we both looked upon the sun, god forgive us, what have we done,
Whispering Millers Valley
we stood on the edge of the valley, like art it pulled us in, the greatness of gods beauty, gave a moment to consider again, with little sleep i ponder, sitting near the window near, having no guide to consider suddenly it was all very clear, the man across the valley, the hand that touched my face, oh god keep him in that very special place, where he sleeps lord i know there is light, his heart is innocent, he steals me away just knowing that he walks the earth today, a touch of his hand satisfies my soul, i will pray for him as you already know, he must be a gift, i’m content to know, i write my words on this tablet just to hide them away, i’ll light another candle to show him the way, so he kissed me, only who would have known, he filled me with love i’ve never known, how does he know how i feel so many things, i want him so badly it fills me with pain, i fear he knows me, like no other will, my god his hands can feel the truth even against my will, i tried to arrange my flowers and nothing seems to fit, i tried to attend my children and even took a trip, even at this late hour i cannot rest my soul, the man across the valley , i wish he would come this very hour and attend my mouth with his special way, the fear of loving this very special man, places my heart fully in his hand, i cannot cry as others will know, coming and going my words cannot tell, i love this man with my heart and soul,
Whispering Millers Valley
hear me please lord, i’m just a maiden it’s plain to see, i need no more silver, no choice of gold, i just simply want to love him as he loves me so , i take his letters with me to bed at night, not on these papers but in my heart where they stay, to remember the words he spoke, what a gift to the valley and he honors my name, in the beginning we had so much to do, our early lives were just by chance, what a new beginning his truth unfolds, the mistakes we’ve made are not the story to be told, it’s the future dear lord and i know where it stands, across your valley, down the streams and rivers that flows his way, i’ll find the millers wheel and there he will stand, working and wondering if i remember his name, i will leave one candle burning even as i turn down the lamp, i will sleep with him tonight even while all alone, this maiden loves another even though he is so far away, he said remember the promises and you’ll be safe and close by my side, honor the truth between us and nothing will ever be the same, his parting words were so loving , he said he would see me soon, i could be sure, he wrote, My dear maiden, you’re life is so full and grand, i’m a simple miller but i surrender my life in your hands, may i cause the lord to hold you, because i’m not worthy of the chance, and i hope he will bless you, across the world if you go, take my simple letters, hold them in your hand at night , i have not courage to say the words, so i hide behind the pen, i cannot lead you dear maiden, the fields full of flowers are waiting in the meadows, just over that valley you will find my millers wheel.
Whispering Millers Valley

Oh my mind is so full of beauty , your place in my mind secure, i’ve searched the world over for you in art i love and suddenly you appeared by the stream as if angles had placed you there, i asked you to wait for me as i feared your loss as easy as you became so near, i promised to pass that way again, nothing but me to offer, it cannot be true that such a woman could even chance my feelings if i could explain, my mind so full of words knowing you have forgotten the kiss, the one i did not deserve, i will soon wander the winter streets as the millers wheel cannot turn, the soon to be ice will cause the flow to freeze and i will lose you for the loss of words, if you knew my heart was breaking and my body struggles for your touch, you would whisper a prayer across the valley, through the trees as god will find me, i will walk night and day not resting until your safe in my arms, i carry you in my soul my darling this simple millers man.

Whispering Millers Valley

Oh my mind is so full of beauty , your place in my mind secure, i’ve searched the world over for you in art i love and suddenly you appeared by the stream as if angles had placed you there, i asked you to wait for me as i feared your loss as easy as you became so near, i promised to pass that way again, nothing but me to offer, it cannot be true that such a woman could even chance my feelings if i could explain, my mind so full of words knowing you have forgotten the kiss, the one i did not deserve, i will soon wander the winter streets as the millers wheel cannot turn, the soon to be ice will cause the flow to freeze and i will lose you for the loss of words, if you knew my heart was breaking and my body struggles for your touch, you would whisper a prayer across the valley, through the trees as god will find me, i will walk night and day not resting until your safe in my arms, i carry you in my soul my darling this simple millers man.

I walked to the edge of the valley dear, all the secrets held in my mind,
i ask you to be patient with me as only love is what i intend, the story of my life is my offer , the future we’re holding in our hands, i’m not asleep anymore thanks to a simple touch of your hand,
My trust and faith in you takes me up the tall wooden steps, attic wood creaks and groans as i reach the attic door, my breath takes hold as i try to stop, fear surrounded me just one step from the door, in this attic room is the place where the trunk armed with my past seems always to wait for me, my darling you give me strength, it’s been so long since i dared to look, i’ll open up this trunk of past events and try to tell the story across the valley, the flowers of the past are always present even if locked away,we can walk together and answer our fathers prayers, to live with no boundaries, love with no past and hold on to each other as time waits no more,

The letters dangle from my fingers and drop to the floor, the coins of silver, the stamps of gold, drawings of people contained in this trunk so long ago, i sit with candle and roam my past, looking at the joy and remembering the past, i have the scars the hopes and fears, i have the markings of the past and the decorations all locked away, it’s been so long since i dared to look upon my world, as my candle conquers darkness i see my life over all those years, what great times and hard times, children and songs, the world cannot defeat me as i’m so strong, i could keep out trouble, protect the ones i loved and be surrounded by beauty born from peace and love, my tears touch the letters as they fall to the floor, i’ve tried to help the hungry, i’ve tried to help the poor, i tried to build my character and bring prosperity to all the lives i’ve touched, it seems nothing for me was left it’s a terrible thing to say, i forgot about me in so many different ways, if you only knew how afraid i am you would come running through the darkness and grab my hand, the everlasting hills of the valley always stay strong it seems that i helped everybody except this one man, i cannot harm you with love and peace, the calmness of the valley, the whisper through the trees, i swear by everything i hold true i can hear your whispers calling my name, my god it’s time past that you sent the one i need, i’m on my knees thanking you for the lady across have opened the door and the ballot has been cast, my life has been balanced by saying your name out loud, i’ve seen the glow of your skin and the smiles from your heart, there is no ruin at hand only our hearts, spring will be soon and the nights will be cool, i’ll hold you dear as you dream your dreams and when your eyes open you’ll discover the truth, i’m real at night, i’m real during the day and i give you everything my life will hold, i will ask god for the blessing of your heart, these words are written for you alone, in your house, during your travels, your the lighted cross upon the mountain, surrounded by darkness you still show the way, your light spreads across the valley, our paths have crossed and given birth to our better days, magic stirs our souls as we ponder the door we can only see, it’s not up to any others, it’s depends on you and me, i write on my tablet, i say your prayer at night, i listen for the whisper across the beautiful valley as you fill me with love, no other has a chance, you’re the one he sent which frightens you i’m sure, the spring will bring your flowers, attend your children as they will know that their mother is crossing the valley, gently to start, wanting to run only to know that i’m walking towards her and the distance not to far, these are not simple wishes from the boys like before, these words are spoken from a man to his lady and have never been written before, i cannot tell you how much that you mean, the winter to spring, the night to daylight, my hand in yours, this is our time so do not be afraid as i honor you and want you as your the only one i ever needed, with my heart and soul i love you as just a simple man from across the valley, i need no more silver, no choice of gold, i just simply want to love you as you love me so, i take your words to my bed at night as the gift you offer so very few, i too leave a candle burning to show you the way, my candle takes no match it’s my words to you that opens the door,

My dear maiden, i surrender my love to you and offer you my life, it’s just one simple step from you and then we’ll do the rest, there is no other way as we must cross the beautiful valley and open the door, it will be our time and our place as god has planned for so many years, we both had to know that the spring would follow the winter, that hope follows despair and that trusting affections lead to love and we would be standing here, as the fields blossom with flowers and our hopes and dreams stir our soul remember that i love and it took strength to be told, you are my darling as you stroll through your house even when i’m not around, i’m with you my heart and soul.


Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

The place of vast wealth, power and rapid change, literal sense the strength of god, poor become richer, fame and influence, hopeful and ambitious, two strangers filled from the start, i wish you would come this very hour,
The fire bell in the night, liberty for each of us, passion for our souls, simple sentiment, never before heard, the heart consumed and pounding, we felt it in our hearts,
The overcast skies of morning has cleared, stepping into bright sunshine, never in our life before, eagerly awaited the truth for no favors and love without chance,
Eager to break the rules, debated among ourselves, wanting the bonding that someday might happen, minds possessed the most beautiful, making your fertile body productive, you tried not to give in, you even tried to explain,
Educated and articulate, remembering the day i kissed you, sacred cause on that day, all the girls among you i ran to see you alone, the only girl that would be there tomorrow, for your dreams are this man,
You were not absent during the glorious event, it all began with trust, processions of affections, never seen so much spirted expressions as the conflict intensified, kiss me if you want, hold me if you can, sitting near the window near,
In the wake of your body you acted immediately to capture me, without effort you leave the indelible mark by holding my hand, talking softly determined to love me without chance, loving me as much as possible, rendered speechless, struggling to stand on my own, the profound change you caused within me, living through holding you gave me wealth, richer and hopeful, two strangers filled from the start,

After Everything Else,
the truth still standing,

Last Will & Testament
Gregory Lynn Bodenhamer

the different dimension of our
lives marked by close acquaintance,
the perfect picture of me and you,
the natural oneness of it all,
my hand offered, the truth still
standing, the last witness of it all.



Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

Anything you want Rose,
I got up on my feet and went over to the bowl in the corner and threw cold water on my face, after a while I felt a little better, but very little, I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country, What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun. I put them on and went out of the room,
Knowing for sure this time, the painful realization, she can have everything she wants, me to never be a writer again. I flung myself into the car, my balanced view all but gone, my phone rings, of course it was Rose, my favorite way to wake up again, I’m not amused, not any more, talking like a French movie star, whispering to me softly in the early hours, my dream , I have to get to Sweden in time to pick up my Nobel Prize for literature, realizing the wish almost gone, she’s wanting breakfast in the afternoon, it occurs to me that it’s more than a wish, ripe for misery, ingratitude and poverty surrounds me, my Rose does not believe in the artists view or the writers edge, surrounded by others, those beautiful things and beautiful people I call my friends, simple the element of truth, Rose can have anything she wants, it begins simply with me, everything happens to everybody sooner or later, if there’s enough time, only so many years and so many abandoned dreams, happy the idea of the gun, saying crazy things, make do with what we have, nonetheless she cannot hear the words of the poet author, too busy this Rose of mine to notice the scattering of me, wearing her fox stole, ankle strapped shoes, she thinks nobody’s had those things before.

A casual acquaintance,
a great bottle with purpose,
some imposing i prefer, someone else’s eye cast them aside, i take them up, two times the life, their soul lives on, making my weak body stronger, neglected and thrown about,
measureless pride, reason is plain,
entirely independent of any further claim,
no harm in displaying their past, caring nothing of the fact they’ve been thrown away,
never afraid these bottles of mine,
some were for pleasure, some for the taste,
charm and coloring now just towers of air,
just faint dreams of their past they have a new home, one is persuaded not to toss such things away, nothing created is ever in vain,
a good natured bottle makes a perfect friend,
a thrown away bottle could ruin a good man,
so sweet and steady all these friends of mine,
loyal and enduring lasting a lifetime,
they all seem to fit so tight and snug,
keeping these close,
a whole lifetime of joy,
never to toss away again,
every little friend of mine.

Build me a friend that will be strong enough to know when they are weak, brave enough to face me, even when she is afraid, standing here waiting for her, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and always humble and gentle in all her victories, let her stand up to the storm, let her heart be clear always reaching for the future, yet never forget the past, her meekness to true strength, daring to whisper my name.

Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

Of all the swindles ever invented, it must be the honeymoon, i’ve finally concluded so it must be true, that every woman dreams of the day to look at the faded picture of the honeymoon,
Young people meet and go, travel the world to sing the songs, spend the money on this intangible something called the honeymoon,
Left the home to a cat, properly revered the perfect home, just to wander around on our Chinese honeymoon,
The mother in law detects the crime, her daughter removed from the church and her hand in mine, my plans made perfect, hands arranged just right, she wiggled around according to instructions, the highest level of politeness, from base to dome, graceful and guided, unselfish trying with ignorance inflated, breath to breasts this Chinese honeymoon,
The feverish plunge, headlong into life, no photograph ever made of the kitten and me, nothing to care about, nothing but fun, me and my girl on the Chinese honeymoon,
Trying to be serious, picture about to be taken, my girl and me making smiles across the ocean, grand and valuable this picture in hand, glory and mystery made priceless throughout our lives, laid all over the Chinese shore, dancing with little, no power in clothes, wishing we’re young again, loving this little swindle of mine.

Dear Ann, there is a city that is pure of heart, a merciful place for our children, peacemakers walk the street, nothing falsely against you, a place not afraid of grace and beauty, exceedingly glad to welcome you, the place on earth that holds you, nothing imagined before it, there is a city Ann.

The quiet and dignified simplicity, the pleasure of touching, the serious love indeed found all within the boundaries of this city. The trees stand tall Ann, wheat, barley and the vines so full, legitimate admitted, name engraved in gold, letters of stone marking this true place, ancient and authentic, simply admitted inside Ann by speaking the oath, i love you.
Waking up each morning, the reason for living surrounding you, for you the rest of my life, and you alone i speak the oath daily, your name i take as my guide, no spear or shield, taking the oath Ann that i love you.
The beginning was to imagine, today to be discovered, the greatest poem now has a name, streaks of beautiful stars strike our page, things cannot be otherwise said, look at our valley sweetheart, so full of beauty the storms simply pass, this rich place so clear in vision, standing for us and waiting on us simply called by your name.
The best is in us sweetheart, a thousand suns show the splendor about us, the curious picture of me and you, escaping their folly they’re watching us go, much less certain are the others, surrounding our city but not yet in, they wonder where we go.

Fresh air we breath together, forsaking the life outside our gates, warmth of our sunlight drawing them to us, love in all countries, explosions of loving all inside us, monuments standing our children grow tall, city of ours never to perish, never to fall, we still live young, our hearts as fresh as the day they were born. This city of Ann, the rich bales of knowledge, the steady hand she offers, i will live inside her and take no voyage without her study and ideas, the quietest and most confident teacher of mine, living inside this city of Ann.

A complete overview of your evolutionary history and all the things you need to know.

Taking the philosophy, concepts, principles and theories from Bedrock to Bedroom to Boardroom.

Thought provoking explanations of your brain and body and how every human thinks and acts through the human thought process.

Helpful insights on how you feel, what makes you smile or makes you fail. The inside scoop on you and everybody you know or will meet in the future.

Take control of your life as you only get one chance for the brass ring. Discover the truth about Adam and Eve, Dick and Jane and explore your own great potential.

Surprise your friends and amaze your lovers. This is the journey that nobody talks about because your father couldn't tell you and your mother didn't know.

Take our hand and journey to a new place you’ll always call home sweet home. Greg
Without this important knowledge,

this very day, you’re leading your life for another person or a group of people. The work you do, the life you lead, the friends you entertain have all been designed for fulfilling someone else's goals and dreams, with you as a simple actor, in another persons play.

For the first time in your life, you’re going to understand what’s going on around you, why people do certain things, how they feel and how they direct your thoughts, feelings and control you.

All the things that can help you and have hurt you are going to be explored to make a better you. You’re going to discover art and music, the magic of how you think and in what order you think. You’ll learn how to control your thoughts and emotions, learn and apply principles that only top experts understand.

Learning about yourself is learning about every person around you and discovering a new life inside you that’s been waiting.
You’re going to learn how to get what you want, enjoy your life, enrich the life of others, gain greater wealth than you could imagine. You owe it to yourself to learn why people do strange things and how they control you.

Ever wonder why people act bizarre even faced with the truth? Ever wonder about your mate and what makes them think, fall in love, want to run away, go back to school or join a club down the street?

Why do some people have great wealth and others struggle from day to day? If you could only appreciate this new knowledge, you’re going to gain greater knowledge which gives you the power, the absolute power to gain a better life, help your children, have friends of the heart and mind, grow past today and influence other people.

When you fully understand what and why people think certain things at certain times you could influence their thinking and actions. Imagine the power of knowledge, imagine the influence you’ll have to control actions and results.

People just like me and you have the absolute power inside them to conquer our fears of poverty, old age, ill health, losing someone’s love, criticism from others and even the fear of death.

You get to decide who you are.

You get to select the illusion.

You get to learn the truth.

You get to explore what you want.

You get to control the wealth.

The Perfect Orange,

A certain amount of pride always goes along with picking the perfect orange, thousands picked and just one perfect, deliberately stealing you from the world you are the genius, rather reserved,others admire you,nearly a basketful in the world,your genius is bravery first,believe it, believing it is enough,you are essential, one of a kind, very proud to have found you.
Gregory Bodenhamer

Understanding how you
are the most perfect
in all the world.

Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

My Dearest Emil,

I’ve never written to such a fine gentlemen before, my mother doesn't begin to see what a gift you are to me, you being alive is the blessing. All is a miracle Emil when i read your letters, putting things in order by nature and god, your words of love for me are dazzlement of surprise. Everything you are i have desired before i knew your name,

Unless i breathe my last breath i will acknowledge every letter, your blessings in disguise. Occasionally i experience such a love for you Emil that i can hardly describe, without the light of your words there is darkness during the day, without your warmth there is cold, without your pleasure there is pain.
Emil, when times are good i want you to be happy, but when times are bad i want you to write my name, i will share both with you, even from a distance my love carries through to you, god has made the one good and the one bad so we can appreciate prosperity and struggle with adversity when it comes.

The oranges you sent my family were wonderful, one just perfect and i appreciate your note, the slings and arrows of your love letters are my fortune. Well washed and well combed Emil you may be the genius, relax and slow down and take it easier than before. Your desires for me in the depth on winter will be stronger in the spring, haste has no blessing Emil, i’ll be here within all the seasons.
My family has no chest of treasures, our life is charmed and our chest together will be overflowing. Our earth is bountiful and surrounded with blessings and always spinning. Emil, please do not lose track of me, don’t lose this moment, this letter a precious present from me to you.

I often regret things of my past, fearing the future i seem to have no time for the present, whatever the cause Emil i do love you. All the recollection and anticipation mostly fills my days, all our moments consumed, at times the present not noticed.
Your letter about the perfect words, i will never find them, the cricket noise we cannot seem to find, the common complaint to worrying away our lives, not for us Emil. All of our affairs will prosper, our friends are true and our happiness is assured. When you see the first robin of spring, make a wish Emil and it will come true, walking across the valley do not stop in the middle because i’m waiting right here, i will carry your melody of love, tin cans, spoons and washboards and a little rhythm is all we need.
Emil, the future a deceitful time, the future is not the time of love, it’s the present that matters, the love you have for me is now, like a firecracker through the window, your love the greatest of all gifts, the source for my creation, connection between us, god and nature.
I will appreciate your love for me, even though not earning this great present from you i promise to take good care of it, the sound of you causing me pause, a weakness when you hold my hand, the opportunity of riches and to be strong, relaxing on the front porch, simply rocking and feeling that soothing of you, improving my outlook of things because of your touch.

We have a thoughtful silence about us, never experienced before, settled my soul and wanting you so, hiding you in my heart, the most obvious place, waiting for the time, which is right now, discovering you one word at a time.
Launching me on every wave, living the present for the first time, eternity of you holding my hand, feeling the need of you and the wanting day or night, it’s our own love that we offer Emil, it comes back to us again, why don’t we spend more time there, the two of us not so elusive next time.

I tell you the truth Emil, i want to hold your hand, your own common sense knows it’s true, seemingly forever i work on this dress for you, it’s a present for you and offers generosity for your eyes, i scarcely remember the number of stitches, counting the happiness as you may count the words, a sparrow comes before my window and startles me beyond the moment, back into balance by this simple jolting, the irony of living more without you.
In balance, the past and future become part of the present, fresh upon me you hold my soul, startling me beyond the moment, never lost with you, not to perish without you, in a hurry not to sink because of you.

Take a deep breath Emil, let it out and relax with me, you have dominion over me so take another deep breath, slower this time and deeper, hold it for a moment, it’s me Emil, never let it go, relax then take another, it’s me, enjoy the moment.

I love you too, Miss Miller

Dear Miss Miller, thank you so much for receiving my letter today, simply on the brink of madness i just had to write you. I’m the person that loves you, realizing you don’t know my name, excuse any sin i might commit. Every day you become more brilliant, intelligence apparent, expressive with friends and tiny features enhanced by your mothers pearls has blessed my soul. Day after day i fearfully walk past you and take away your perfect shape, your vigor for life that no man would be worthy.
Your faultless beauty and natural grace with attire to match, however simple always impresses me. To show my faith i have enclosed the richest tissues that could be procured, with arrangement and decoration along with your pink dress, would be wonderful before the public eye. So magnificent your figure, arrayed for the eye, your beauty so proper i also thought you would enjoy the gorgeous robes. The store clerk assured me that your loveliness, your wild flower prettiness is the source of my passion so i did include some more pearls.
I’m afraid i don’t know much about your inner life, you know nothing of me but variety will not deceive you. To my limited knowledge no law has been broken, result being is that i love you, perhaps beautiful and brilliant in your own mind. The things you may love, peculiar to yourself was almost impossible to discover. You have many friends that helped me. Your mother’s impassioned state, however clear, also told me that you prefer gold to silver. She also said you have fiery luster and untempered light surrounds you. Although not knowing what she meant i was surely polite to her.
Your mother also said you had spirit, which would be very good for our children, somewhat wild, desperate love making and defiant moods gather once in a while.
Your lovely temper is at times a problem, cloud shapes of gloom and brooding of the heart at times gives you trouble. She also advises that your a morning radiance and are wholesome just full of promotion and virtues.
Your mother ran little risk of not telling me enough about you. It seems we’re the best of friends and she is mindful that i love you. She gave me a wonderful print with you playing in the barn, those childish virtues you still enjoy she says. She told me to be mindful of some errors and misfortunes you had over the years, those early years get committed to the past. Simply testing us, both smiles and frowns i write to you. My advice was to write to your heart and your mind. My words might not reach that far, peculiar words, some just don’t work, persuading and pleading and accompanied by the flowers i sent, wild flowers capture you spirit, hand picked by me for you.
She also told, i apologize i know, that you are being pursued by another, not to my surprise others recognize part of you, she recommends that our courtship invariably begin at once, earnest kisses, overflowing love, some laughing and playing to begin.
Not to assume and to assure yourself i’m full of merriment and music and heart smitten at the same time. This somewhat bewildering and baffling spell was caused by your treasure, brought to me by you the one so dear. At times i burst into passionate tears perhaps at times it might affect you. I can also make you laugh, louder than before. My own mother encloses a simple portrait, made not too long ago, i have better clothes now but a current portrait must wait. Mother says i have clenched harden features, stern and unsympathizing just like my father. In broken words, incapable of much better, i’m trying to tell you true, confiding in you, with all the tenderness i can word, suddenly it came upon me, i love you.
You sweetheart evoke something i cannot understand, a real comfort and passion just knowing you, i have tasted hours of quiet but delicious happiness, expression of love was waiting on you. Beyond your ever-ready smile and no nonsense words happiness waits for us clearly. This mingling and uproar, sweetheart voices in my head, your own darling tones singing to me, entangled cry's this is simply remarkable. My instinct is to grab and kiss you, hold you so close that you cannot run away. Your mother suggests that i take a less instinctive approach.
Asking for very little, as you’re walking about town, in short, would you give our love some thought. This tripping along is loneliness, destiny is at hand, whole grasping waits for you, footsteps walking in rhythm waiting for us two.
There is a grassy margin on the street, some grim people stand around but you’ll be safe as i’m able to protect you, perchance would you meet me there, next to the indian statue as i could speak to you before our marriage. We can talk and toss some stones into the water, flinging stones and making them skip is so much fun.
The truth is that i have a vague idea of something outlandish for our honeymoon, unearthly to some but we could travel, without ordinary fashions across the seas. If you promise your own good mood, i would like to kiss you under the tree. The passion has the best of me, standing together might be just to much, seclusion of the tree may sooth you and influence you into my arms, which is natural if you like.
Within in your own circle of acquaintance, your spell on life, creative spirit, kindles a flame for you. With a single pink flower and a wooden puppet you’ll be able to find me, maybe some drama can quickly surround us as your recognize my many qualities. That pine tree, old and tall, somewhat solemn, feeling every breeze, would be the best of all places to exercise a fancy kiss.
Doubtfully afterwards could we spend much time our first day. I want to touch your beautiful face and kiss your lovely mouth, some discussion and indeed with a smile i must return to my work.
You might notice the glimmering gold embroidery about the robe as my gift, my mother stooped to sew, all the time smiling, watching me grasping for breath.

Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

I’ve taken the liberty to send just a few more flowers, there might be a little more than you like, by other shapes they remind me of you, so rapid this life, feverish tide my passion, uprooted and wonderful, sinking down and rising up, this wild energy you will feel, dancing and darting, growing mind and heart, exhausted by loving you so much.
I hope there is no hostile feelings, the other person that wants you must exercise another fancy, without rushing to battle you might want to warn this other fellow. By the way, i would also enjoy holding your hand, vivid and beautiful in my mind.
You can grasp my hand when your heart desires but remember you’ll take my breath away as other people watch our way.
This letter has calmed me, a moment of safety for my heart and soul. I have to go now, my mother laughing and peeping out to see my words. Your existence is very important and i’m glad we met, without hesitation, ordinary but spirited, i’m the man that knows you, god has sent us this way, he sent me to you and you to me, might be strange and selfish but have no doubt.
We may smile and shudder, neighboring townspeople will help build our house, seeking vainly to copy our life, so full and happy, no wicked purpose just love. I cannot claim you, that’s up to you.
Springtime is not too long now, prepare yourself for our meeting and as my letter claims to be true, i love you too.


The journey can only begin, as we can only know, I hold as true I love you and I thought you ought to know,
It’s the picture I have of you dear that you look upon today, the mother of my children and my hope for all my days,
It’s important that you know that this is how I see you, the only way I know,
Imagine all the people living without knowing how beautiful you really are,
To never have told you I could not rest the day. My picture of you is honest and I know you only this way,
You are the woman of my children and God knows how I feel. He gave me this picture of you to end my every day,
Hold my hand and journey as only you can go my way,
The journey begins as you already know by taking my hand as its quite plain to me that I love you today as others cannot see.

We’re going to journey together and explore our hearts and minds. We’ll talk about our teachers and our friends and how some have caused you pain. The hopes and dreams that you had will come true again as you will know the way. This is your adult proposition which few ever get the chance. Take your time and do not hurry as the trips are few and far between. Know that I love you, it’s the only way we can go, to trust and hold the truth is the most beautiful thing to behold.

We’ll discover what you thought you knew and reveal the truth to you as most never know.

We’ll study history again to find out more about us and others so we can live a better and stronger life through knowledge.

We’ll discover beautiful art works as you see here today, left for us by the ancients so you and I can make them new again.

We’ll speak of things that no person talks about today as it can be painful but still full of delight at the end of the day.

We’ll gather our strength and knowledge and always trust we can, finish the trip together and always holding hands.

The journey is not for free but nothing of value is given away, you’ve paid the price already with just a little way to go.

Your life is a personal thing and each of us have a greater potential than we know. As my friend I honor everything you are and love you today and I love what you can become with powerful knowledge that only a few share.

The ancient arts tell many stories of how you and I arrived on the scene. The portrait above and the rest that you can view are photographs of classical artwork found around the world. The scene above is more powerful than you know. It set the stage for your life as you know it today. It seems our world at times is not the best place for a woman.

You bring life to the world and I fully understand. What others see is not what I see in you.

The beautiful woman is being sold into slavery. Can you imagine because we have no experience in such events. This public event was captured, and thousands more which we cannot view. Imagine the woman being sold as the slave to others. We know how to take a picture to capture things in time. This ancient artwork is the same except they painted their life for us to see. The woman stands nude for everyone to see, others wait their turn to be sold as others haggle and argue to buy the one on display.

You would not be so shocked to see a black woman on the block to be sold but all woman were treated as slaves public and private. The commerce was to sell her to a buyer, this one would not complete too many shores as the men would have other plans.

You see her standing there can you imagine her fear? It happens today they have just found a new way. Commerce between master and white slave is not so far removed as you think and feel.

The children will be sold, the rich will take them away, the men behind the auction block will keep records making it legal.

Take your time and go back and look at the larger picture again, it’s the truth you see and the records have been kept. How long ago do you think this took place? This woman slave will never speak her thoughts, she’ll cry and serve her master because this is slavery. She has been bought as she has been sold, she will serve sex and food and be discarded when she fails. Like a fire bell in the night, this picture should wake up the strong. We’re not done with slavery it seems we just perform the task in many different ways.

You and I cannot escape history as this really happened. We can close the book so our eyes can no longer see but it remains true that it’s happened to you in many different ways.

We sin by silence so others will not know the truth. We tell our friends we’re better and we protested in haste. The human race is full of cowards and they remain with us today. The appalling silence is what I protest today. You will gain strength and spirit and others will see the change. Our forefathers thought nothing of selling you into slavery. You’re the woman and you had little value. Many people today think the same thing today and they take actions within their thoughts. They are what they think about. They do what they think about just like me and you. Many men will enslave you and the arguments still rage. Woman are treated as inferior when really you are the strongest.

You and I will learn together the thought provoking explanations of why things are not so far removed today. What is really said in the boardrooms of America. What is really said in the bedrooms of America. My point is to give you a picture of how you may be viewed by many others and some of them really close to you. We’ll explore the not so distant past and you’ll see the connections. I give you this information with all due respect and I’m honored that I know you today.

Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

All the drama of dreams cannot describe the music you play in my heart, with the highest talent possible i cannot describe the feeling this woman in her rightful place, her symmetry, perfected flocks of hair, with my Shakespeare words i try to describe her music, the things that won’t go into words, this earthquake in my soul,
Partly because of dignity, partly because of shame, the collisions in my dreams cannot be written down today, more deep than the highest place, the greater idea from the greatest of ages, partly because of the finer view, you live in the palace of my dreams,
To write the drama of you is my dream, more deep than the earth sea’s, more wide than the widest plains, richer than any forest of all this land, i’m drowning writing the book of heavens names, more and more it’s the only place where you could have come, my dreams hold two persons and one carries your name,
In your perfectly real way you listen to my words, no words can rank you, no artists can capture the dream, going privately among the world, looking skyward searching for the words, always talking well when talking how i feel, you are the drama of all my dreams.

Go amid the noise sweetheart and all the haste of the world, remember what peace there may be in our silence of love today, as far as possible without any surrender, be on good terms with others until I return,

Speak not our truth sweetheart, it’s not for others to tell, quietly and clearly i will find my way back to you, this too will be our story,

Enjoy your home and your achievements as well as our plans, be not vain or bitter because my love returned to you was never lost,

You humble me sweetheart
as you change my greater
fortunes through time,

Take kindly my counsel
of the many years,
be yourself, gracefully
surrender your
name to mine,

You are the child of my universe,
no less beautiful than the trees and the stars,
gently unfolding your past, keep peace in your
soul as you remember my hand,

No broken dreams in our beautiful world, be cheerful i’m one step closer to home, striving to
understand, our hearts consumed and pounding,
i’m trying to touch your hand.

Lamp Lighter

Forsake the darkness darling , my one lamp can be placed by your bed, no dreamer wild enough to understand, no poet to break down the words, the lines that separate us so private, you are the mighty woman, imprisoned lightning and i know your name, from your heart glows the welcome, with silent lips your heart completes my soul, yearning for your madness, hoping for your dreams, the light will shine on you, homeless my life, lifting my one lamp there you’ll stand, it’s your smile that brings me hope, i’ve always been your friend, I cannot paint you, glad to know who can, i labor throughout the night to write you, strike the words that describe you, no right to ask you for anything but the path has been broken, it’s me at your door,
jealous are the gods that you broke free of heaven, the exalted throne where you belong is empty now, i’m sitting and waiting at the bottom of the world, spend my life watching for you, willing to leap into darkness with only one lamp in hand, i invite you to sit down with me, your favorite cup in hand, unmistakable proof that confronts us, the truth itself has wings that fly, it is the time of love, we talk of many things, holding strongly your hand the kings cannot have you sweet violet, the flower that opens first the spring, gently holding my hand, staring at your stillness beauty you make me your man,
You are my living breathing Rose, you borrowed the sunshine, blossoms all around you, slow growing and beautiful, you’re the one most valuable, my one lamp shows the vision of you, your voice carries the sound to my soul, the sensitive touch of your skin heals all harmful pain, the taste of you on my tongue dissolves the day stars from the sky’s, preserve me honey as we cannot crush the truth, it’s never to late for our season, the truth is i love you too, the light shines on you, light the daughter of time shines the season for us to see, it’s time for you to come to me. Greg

Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

The riches of my love build his house, his imminent future waits as the magician’s inside me struggle to believe, the impossibility of it all cannot be a mistake of creation, he puts our future riches of heart and soul on paper, so clearly his beautiful spirit holds me even now, laying alone wishing the pillow green was him holding me close,
with certain respect, even pretending at night, if only the pillow green could kiss me, this i believe is the will of god, as a school girl i remember, only to wait for this very day, graduating life is never ending, turns and dreams, vanished hopes and blighted dreams, good times and bad a school girl remembers the unhappy serenading of past mistakes, as imagined by heaven, the delights of his touch, wanting him inside me, standing first and foremost i want to believe, more than pillow green this man is real, his Shakespeare words create nothing but he merely tells the story of what god created, curious and interesting our story is being written by his words, but i’m directing the play as he waits in the stands alone, how supreme his patience with me, our two unknowns about to merge,
holding him my heart consumed and pounding i feel him in my heart, his touching words make a little village in my soul, i’m not every man’s business as my life is my own, this man neighbor’s my soul as twins the inseparable companions, playing together, accustomed to the past, whatever loss may come , this is the man and i will give him no chance to become lost, the wonderful duets i hear all the notes, his words to music they sing of the day, the great advantage of his arms around me, he knows i want him, he can see into my eyes, he only attempted once and i scuttled his ship, i will lay here, hoping he knows, that i’m more afraid daily but would rather perish than lose his faith,
never before and never again, a man loves me more than he does himself, conveying my feelings i’m troubled that way, i do not understand, it’s all very clear simply laying on this couch, entrancing and bewitching everything he speaks into the air, melody, tune and rhythm meant for my soul, when he is absent the room falls silent, my children my friends, i can picture him there and all the color returns, it seems to me the conversations, the serious attempt to love me too, the parlor in our own time we can sit a speak of things, a simple knock on the door at times i have the strength to let him in, sitting and looking at each other, rocking and smiling we both understand, nothing so grand, decent and delicate, overlooking me and waiting for spring, the splendid talk and cheerful times fill our every minute,
in youthful days i would have jumped at the chance, my lips wanting his, the mouth not obscene, him inside my body is the friend of my heart, legitimate forever i’m breaking his heart because i cannot find the words that settle my mind, making our matter sure my mysterious love of him speaks back his words, always ready for me, uncommon lucky he waits for me, laying for the right chance to offer his hand, taking to my bed, any side you please, no arguments to offer him, no convincing of me even in a moderate way, all the evidence is there for those that know, snow falls never otherwise than flakes, winter is upon us and still i’m so warm, his love falling over me, snow beautiful when falling,
in the grand scheme of things i love him, he’s heard the words, so softly spoken as one single snow flake falls from heaven touching his soul, with great purpose i whispered the words for only us to hear, making his weak heart stronger with three little words, keeping my wits and dress about me waiting on the pillow green to hear his words of love return, there are two times when we should not speculate, expecting a man to wait with a broken heart and pretending not to love him so much when others can see, carefully prepared in private i’ve always had the words, i look upon an empty chair next to me, keeping quiet is not the answer, hearing myself talk produces no words for this man and with much fear and upheaval i will kiss this man without asking, i see now that i’m stronger than ever before, he has revealed his character to me, his shades of expression, his possible words i can only hope, is that he loves me too, his face so earnest and longing, so patient with dignity he waits,
this man will not be something i lost.


Our separate powers, our stirring hands for preparation of coffee, the room a place of rustic parsley, seasoned with color and beauty i sprinkled you with oil, the symbol of union, the uncertain poem insignificant as it seems joins the single rose as i love and whisper your name, with enthusiasm and language i finish the undress of you, separate powers of us comes together at last, every shape of you perfectly made, my support of beauty allows me to spend time here and there, we yield not because we can but because of belief that we are intended true, probably to early, the poem a brief one, we cannot remain silent, whatever may be possible entering with energy, sleepless for hours, going forward and giving more, no longer embarrassed your offering of tears and kisses, at times never talking, held at times so close we became one, regardless of difficulties, not bluffing or resisting the ambition became stronger as impatient love grew stronger, no greater effort, no greater storm, inviting me without grievance every inch of you a garden, no frustration no excuses just our wrapping and kissing, strong and resourceful , united and combined, honest affection, two strangers loving from the start, true interest and passion, you safely admitted me to your body, interested with no right or wrong, stout hearts and firmness all the conditions are met, we ventured farther than ever before, both of us with confident advantage of the heart, refuse no passion, reluctant to leisure, no annoyance of the past, we found everything we wanted, the little things you whispered, the degree of feeling at home gave us the assurance that our time had come, willfully making love to you, covering your heart with my soul, our private friendship you and me, no impostor laying with me, puzzled to decide, keeping our good principles, the most cherished woman in my life, no more loving without your twinkling, clear and steady we’re feeling highly honored indeed, we have chosen, few words this evening the purest and most wonderful thing created, glistening teardrops, neither of us turn away, sweethearts forever, never to go rushing without the other, early morning is upon us, glistening and sparking the new day we own, the grass and flowers waiting for our arrival, we flow quietly, lazily we sleep just a little at a time, not wanting to end the night, the roar and rumble still in our minds, dashing down we have seen at last, she gave me truth for no favors and love without chance, hearts consumed and pounding, the frozen stillness like a winter pond, flows softly now, the ice broken, the love flowing as the springs morning dew, a gentle teardrop in your eye, a beautiful lady, respecting your name, holding you gently in all your majesty,
simply whispering your name. Greg

Creating my imagination, this powerful woman of mine, she the creator of my wealth, my sanctuary inside and out, playing with life directly and carrying my flame, looking up at her, her workshop has fixed me, lessons in peace and harmony this harbor of mine, no limits to her, none i can find, standing on the stool her shape holding our flame, the elaborate dress, her heart that cozy place floating in my soul, anywhere she is she’s the mountain top, the valley anywhere cannot hold her this sanctuary of mine, standing so high, like floating in space, moving but never changing, considered my beginning she not the illusion, nothing exists without her, soft music playing any combination surrounding us and healing, so many things to explore, never with permission i kiss her the invitation always there, protected and healed me this white light of her, only the highest good taking place inside her, the greatest kind of providing, this sanctuary of mine,
she the entryway to my life, the light surrounding us, the pure of her cascades over the friends, blessing the main room of my past, present and future, encouraged image this lady of mine, her glow costumes the entire room, flying through space, no limit to her art, devoted to me, imagine the inner works of her my perfect lover, eager and successful all gathered in one place, her perfect timing of the ideal way, her my wealth itself.
* * * * * * *
Hearing my words she enjoys, once described by her like taking a walk in the park, i look down to see her and she has fallen into her dreams, i write of no clowns or pirates, she alone invigorates my words, soundly sleeping too tired tonight, the cat next to her, both asleep never listening to my words tonight, her wholesome cheer giving away to dreams, laying with me on the sofa, the fire the lovely gift for our room, only slightly brushing her hair this lovely creature of mine, she remains the clarity of me, the best friend of me, the perfect gem of womankind lays with me tonight, softly and wonderfully made, this lady meaning everything to me, she all the riches of us,
the sweetest, the best girl i know,

* * * * * *
He has consumed me this commonplace man of mine, the party to late tonight, hearing his lovely words by flame, the perfect ending this man of mine, laying my head on the pillow and my man holding us all, this house of our future he’s built, every word he reads tonight gently triumphs all the past, my present the gift of our day, he feels so much for me, i dream of his words, him the greatest blessing, the greatest gift his pause of me, i do not have his words in mind, i lay here with him living my dream, he my excellent place, the obvious place for me,
A thoughtful silence settles over me as he gently touches my hair, night and day i pray for this man, i’ve melted into his grasp and he still wonders why, in an instant i became his lady, he is so strong, deferring my past, seemingly and forever whispering my name, he say’s i’m his balance like that perfect moment in time, the future the present now his hand in mine, where can i start to tell him, he gives me the truth even without words, his loving of me starts with a breath, loving me without chance his words, pursuing me what a waste of time, the instant he spoke my name softly i knew he was mine, taking his words like breathing in life itself, relaxing and taking more of him in, holding it for the moment, let it go and take in another, relaxing with this man of mine, he says let go of the past,
He whispers my name, breath slower this time, relax in the moment our bodies combined, focus on my words sweetheart and let your past go into the future, be here now as i write your name,
My most practical blessing i’ve ever found, his practice and growth with me , he has separated the light from the darkness in the workings of his days and his loving me at night, the reasonable thinker this man of mine, always a portion of truth with every day we share, he has made my mind so bold, suggesting that before sleep overtakes us we must always kiss, kindling the soul without music or sweet words, gently searching his lips his fire without light, think of the moonlight by verse in our souls,
Shadows of the night falling he gently touches my hair, not wanting to wake me, no grander way of saying he loves me, many times i’ve heard his words, his gentle touch just barely brushing, his pen and paper down by now, imagine being loved by this man, focusing on what he calls my beauty, a force which he captures revolving around his words, i seem to make a difference to him, i’ve never had the whole wish, no idea on how to control this dream, something had to come to pass i remember the first time he touched my hand. greg Written by name Gregory Bodenhamer 2006
written only for you...

Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

A single soul we are, in every mixture combined by God, fate and time, everything below us and above us belongs within our thinking, forever smile and live the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired, the lovely trick of time has allowed us to be ready, love designed by nature always finds the open door, drawing into themselves only the true mate, our souls have been combined, you feel this now,

I am by nature respectful of your past, a feeling of regret because i was not there, my own misfortune to know you less, a price i pay every day, you make one shudder, the tingling never stops, under your spell i take the chance, so brave without audience, just a little teaspoon of brains, a certain amount of pride, deliberately stealing you away, courtly manners, wondering awe of you, the marvelous you, deep and wise, most gifted creature, full grown, astonished that i love you so dearly, every - which - way you must never forget, i’m so proud of you, your confidence now is granite, never begin to crumble, never to waste away, others can make the sand in which we lay our heads down, you stir my admiration and i find you dignified, respectful with grace, never confined to any modest place, i do not refer to these things lightly, none the less you had to know that you can hold out, only for a while, but in the end God sets the bounds, i’m compacted and crammed into a single suit, all my moods and words inspirations flow, all unprepared to receive you, stunned by the shock of finding you, gathering words trying to explain, it’s not long now that we can open the door of tomorrow and shut the door of yesterday, the coziness will be ours inside and the cold will reside outside, this note was written for you with the best of intent, there is a higher being above us, recognize what he has done, lay your head down on a sand pillow and listen to the waves, your heart consumed and pounding, you don’t have to explain, i love you too.


Season Spring

It’s your time today, spring light polishing everything before you, my words my brush my hopes and dreams cannot capture the flowing of you, the spring light making you more beautiful than before,
gods nature opening all the doors of hesitation, the waiting done,
your flowers prospering , winter neglected now, lovers hands reaching, playfully brushing your hair with my words,
you ponder spring season looking out stained glass windows, truth rising again, like music spring plays our song,
old poets, new lovers escaping their memories, truth as present as the sun, our lovers fate is freedom our song of truth,
fresh air cold still reminding you of fireplace fires and the warmth of friends,
desperate steps breaking you free, rusted keys of the past given away,
never mixing winter and spring, simply tell the truth remembering my hand,
reckless winter seas said it couldn’t be done, but spring is here i see the trace,
inevitable the warm words of spring, sworn upon the alter these words to you,
your dearness so powerful to me, waiting on the thunderstorm rolling in my soul,
the struggle was made standing on this ground, sentiments of love in form of prayer,
asking our god to let you know, a man sits waiting within that door of spring,
no drum distracting him, no trumpet too loud, i listen for you standing at that door,
the time has come, they call it spring, I still love you and winter has gone away,
we are at peace, our words will not lie, for within spring all my promises kept to you,
with sadness and gladness, with grace and surprise, my love never lost you,
even during the harsh winter times, i forever write your name,
i love you too...

On the wings of fantasy, our right to be wrong, admiring the flight of our imaginations, like a dream the shape of your beauty, never fades like your flowers in the field, i shall not fail the sight of your beauty, bursting and sprouting and finding a home inside me, i ask god to grant us the fairness of the trial, the happiest moments are upon us, fancy words bind us, finger of fait has touched us, nothing more certain than these words i write, with the foresight of our fathers, victory is at hand, supporting it i’ve always held your hand, no excusing my excuse, not able to explain my dreams, admitted and peaceable you love me too, two strangers filled from the start, you ask of me so little and i ask you for so much, without your dream i shall fall, only standing believing in you, the sight of it all. Greg

Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

Constantly awake these flowers of mine, their beauty speaking softly for me as if carried by a stream, sent to you not to overthrow, simply to borrow from you a simple moment in time, for scores of years your style will last, the everlasting beauty of you is the sun and not the moon, my heart and love is rising for you, never the setting of what i feel, daily rising of you as fresh as these flowers, only god can make these things of beauty, undamaged from his hands to this heart of mine, so grateful for you every day of the year, one of many blessings he has granted us you, the spirit of you so necessary to the world, the stimulus, the impossible ideal, these flowers like souls, like stars that dwell apart, these flowers no longer live by the side of the road, they now live in a house and grow faint by the sight of you, it is my hope that you know this traveler loves you, laughter of love and friends is his infinite plan, smiles not tears, these flowers to a friend of mine. I love you too... happy valentines. Greg 2006

The rarest of beauty, the right word , the right idea, charity in it’s place, cowards backed down, courteous speech during courtship and that cricket noise you can never find, people converted to angles, critics need not know, lost in the sea about you simply trying to find my way.
Your pet name written on my pad, advice from others that never found the words, my interest in my work, preachers talking and doctors trading their pills, the seldom compliments without destination, i know the trouble it is to make some book, tackled it, write an article, finished to satisfaction, slavery to the pen, i swear to never use my heart again, always lost upon the sea.

Worth while to try, delightful play, adventurous souls, i loved it all but wrinkles indicate the lost smile, i go to myself and find the shade, write these words day and night, waiting for the right word in the right place, trying to find you lost as you are.

My words are fire and they paint the scene, it’s the readers way to find the light and welcome my words in their souls, even to perfection i’ll never be admitted to membership, with your charm and honesty you’ve broken my one heart, it was troublesome from conception and was not to give birth.

The experiments of the heart, the sudden marriage of spirited ideas, as drowned by the sea will be found years from now, some couple of youth, discovered from the ocean bottom, our words will be discovered and will twinkle our love back to life. Others will read these words, not much else to say, they’ll wonder how much i loved you and they will look upon the sea.
The inspiring words, written again in pencil, by some young couple, uplifting and enthusing their spirit, it will permit their wonder about me and you, this bad weather must be required, not to interrupt the flow, no ignorant words, no amateur thoughts, no specialty phrase,

no poor quality hand can ever convince her of her own value, the conventional phrase did not work, the distinguished heart made mushy had no effect, commoner things could not find her heart, the worlds luxuries, tasting fruits of the earth all acquired by art, left by the angles to eat could not move her, not from her spot.

The temptations of wealth, ice-water in the summer, trifling matters made better could not muster even a flimsy choice, sheet music to words, stage-coach rides through the town, spills of my heart looking skyward i saw no great difference, the monument of our fathers, towers of the city, factory chimney’s and fresh coffee by hand just to try again.

When i come to you, words on paper, i’ll stay and try, i cannot tell you a lie, without luck or practice, poor and ashamed i’ll try again, the charm of your spirit, the ways of you, the words you seldom share, influence the entire world that’s spinning time around my world.

You, the rarest of beauty, an honorable one, the kindest and gentlest in the world, spin me around, steer clear of the furniture, the waltz is exhilarating and they’re is no unpromising, the extraordinary gesture and emphasis makes the effective story, you know my words are about you, whole-souled, words kind-hearted and tender, stormy voice calling our names, we mix strange oaths with the gentlest of touch, you cheer my soul , never gambling, never swearing my name even with occasion.

The idea is not to be somewhere but everywhere i find you, people try to describe, the exact speech cannot say, it’s not the idea, it’s you that i want, there is a lack of you in the world, witnessed greater joy, you’re the first act of every play, so powerful two acts are never required, i ventured to you, my dream was the entire dance, all the words and now i’m physically exhausted, the curiosity, the polite way to say, you’re all the stunning words walking around to capture, there is no greater pleasure to make you this vow, i’ll write of you as i do now, without any presence you’re always in my heart, i vow to honor you until my last day, i vow to admire you and take pleasure in knowing you.

You’re the far reaching Queen, no peers to follow, without reproach in your great sweeping life you have captured me, my words were uncalled for, the tearful long-winded words seem to satisfy only me, sitting down to cry, nobody knows when they come, it’s best to say yes when it’s time, you’re the best part of this story, you don’t have to remember anything as i’ve written down these words, our truth is the most valuable thing, travel no longer without me, foreign countries with their broad avenues and wholesome inn’s cannot hold a candle to you as you voyage around my life, there is no unhappiness in writing you after a cheerful and careless voyage of our hearts.

This may be a gossipy volume, talking about everything, a drop here and there, a moment in time for us both to remember, limitations of this world, maybe someday a fireside talk, drifting around and idle for a while, for a year or so, maybe longer if we try, stopping to touch hands, moving on to greater things, i’ve got to get ready, in a word, to write another book, my heart filled from the start. Greg

Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

Dear Father, With ease and pleasure i want to tell you of my discovery, she lies with riches intact as the drenching storm washes her clean, the greatness of her ample rivers, fertile fields and boundless forests surround this beauty. I swear by the stars above me she is the most beautiful in all the world, almost afraid of her greatness i approached with easy steps as if i were not there, she is matchless and was not there before, not until i went into her churches did i believe it true, others talk of her greatness and the secrets of her power and genius, as great as anything on earth not enough pages here to tell it all. I found my weakness beside her father but i will try again the brave new approach you wrote about, she has everything that justifies a life, amazing place all in one place, the queen of England would surely write down her name, her name to be written on my heart and soul. This is the one place where art and wisdom were invented, happiness surrounds her, no lonely savage left outside her gates, she lies exposed to the world but she is sheltered from the wild beasts, for a moment, this thing of beauty can disappear before your eyes, the clouds blanket her and the sunshine breaks her free. My life will be in pursuit of her peace, she is the stable of prosperity that i have found, endurance for the ages to come she stands before us all, the happiest moments in my life, in her bosom my head will fall, loving her this evening as the sun falls behind the hills, not in sorrow but with gladness in my heart, the moon will shower her, this very lovely place.
I will gather her father as you have spoke, all sorts of people trying to gather her, as much as their hands can hold, with pleasant hope and moistened lips i will sparingly kiss her face trying to bring her flame, my tears can drown her so i will lift her from the face of the earth, my whole gift in life with tenderness and kindness i will carry her away, always serving her with generous helpings of love and loyalty, mixing thoroughly with our faith.
Father, this woman i speak of i will call her by the name of the city that held her, there is a city Ann, and that will be her name, my lady, my city, the best of all possible things my Ann. Greg

Softly at first she dreams of the perfect day, asking for that perfect summer she has never enjoyed. So rare the days of June and July the poorest come to her beach and lavish her summer.

Her life made for the asking, her life better than any picture show, her earth keeps spinning waiting for that sunrise, waiting for the day or night, listening for the footsteps, softly returning to her.

She looks and she listens, her whole soul tasking for that bell of sound, with her life she pays the price, the beggar she could not be, he was nowhere to be found.

The bubbles wash against the shore and she stands surrounded by the crowds, the past gets it’s price always beating against her shore. What has God given me except the things made of gold, taxed by time and man and a corner to die in on this beautiful shore.

Each ounce of him worth more than all the earth, what bargain did I pay what grave will I lie in, all alone she waits surrounded by her friends, the lavish summer not very much without him.
The heaven tries to come down to earth, she always asking about the right and the wrong. The poorest comer came along and the sense of belonging surrounded her, if ever come the perfect days, if ever the earth in tune, if ever the soft summer lay upon her, looking and listening to the words he spoke, every word worth an ounce of gold, he spoke of love and her as if all his words were sent by God, every word he spoke.

The most original writer she ever met, maybe the only one to come her way.
The stories he told, written by hand was more about
her than any man.

She loved the stories by his hand, splitting hairs and sitting side by side,
almost like an intruder, walking up her stairs, life instructions all jumbled about, reading about life and love, climbing those stairs, red fire on every step, getting closer to her one step at a time, kindle the words like fire they grow, feeling the warmth of him.

One day she understood him, each passage was true, his original style is not the style you could borrow and no other person could reproduce. His words from the heart and mind, his fingers wandering idly over the paper in which he writes her name, strumming his words always sending them to her, holding her and loving her, each sentence making more sense, his words surrounded her no matter where she was, the illustrations by words always holding her.

Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

The stairway grows shorter but just as steep, his words blanket her even when she sleeps. She the beauty that he writes about, each letter gets longer so much to say, every meaning getting deeper the words property just for her. Often times in the middle of the night, watching and listening she unfolds the truth, surrounded by beautiful things, soft light across her face she softly reads his words, the willy-nilly influences of him taking her mind.

In the middle of the night I look out my window, how can he understand that I love him but locked behind this glass? So many responsibilities to act upon, wishing it could be this day that he returns all those words, waiting here simply listening, taking his words into my heart, seriously affected by his art and always wanting, me never quite the same.

If in a different time I would take his hand, my life already captured by another man. His contribution to my soul is found in every word, every touch of his hand he strokes my soul, walking with me day and night, watching for him and wanting him to take a stand. I pray for no more youth as this writer of mine is simply enough, changing me back to many years ago, dreams alive inside me his every word worth living, breaking up every wave of the past, making me better before they hit the shore. If from a different place he writes of ancient cities and landscapes with no boundaries, hopes and dreams of God and light, never quite done asserting his love for me, exposing his spirit, exposing his soul, writing of his heart that carries my name, crying out the truth one word at a time.

Into the night of time I stand here watching. My heart filled from the start as I wait for just one word, that magic word that cannot fade, that word that makes me go to places never gone before. I feel him in my heart, my heart consumed and ready to invent the future, he embraces me knowing my name, he stirs more than my soul, I fly with him to the end wanting to be consumed and the pounding of my heart calls for him in silence, he’s my truth without any favors and he’s my love without any chance.

He is more than I can hold today, making room for him is the hardest thing I try, so many degrees of him, so many tears to cry. Absurdly I wait to hear his next words, he stirs more than he can quite, he will acknowledge every word and willing to read each one out loud, he does not retract any of his words, even when I try to explain, I tried not to give in and so brave am I to try, I will be here tomorrow and the next, his unruly words that never stop and always turn, move me more than he knows.

I need his words late at night, not wanting them to stop and never turn away, he brings me the summer, adventure to the shore.

Dear Ann,
I’ve been wanting to write you, today is the day, thinking about you standing on the shore, good fortune and youth in your heart.

It’s my hope that your family is well, prosperous in love and in my prayers each and every one of you. With energy and devotion I write to you today, my youthful words your spirit my persuasion.
The claims on you in the future cannot be told, indifferent the future we never know what can be held there. No longer afraid of the love i hold for you, the coming hour each and every one will know.
Through our good fortune, the youth in our hearts, given words to reach you, each one for you alone, profound and passionate my love for you i’m quick to write you today.

Ann, it’s not the dream world we live in, it’s not my hastiness or lack of thought, it’s a thousand little things of you that gives me privilege to write your name. It’s that cup of coffee made better with you sitting by my side, the simple talking of nothing with shameless honesty at hand. Making our mistakes together, our talks generous and true.

It’s that fierceness in you that makes you wiser than me, the talk of children and school, the quick glance of our eyes that we can feel, messages back and forth without any words, the walking together at times with nothing to say, the simple nearness of you making me strong.

I’m far away but my words are in your hands. Ann, remember them please, just like remembering the hills, the spires of churches, the fields of the farms and all the people that love you, the courage and freshness of what i say.

Gregory L Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
All Rights Reserved

Your mystery intrigues me as I gaze upon your beautiful form, someone has made your perfect beauty for all us others to see, my simple wish is to hold you, as a true precious gift from above, the easy manner in which you fit into my hands, tells a story that few of them would ever understand,

it was morning when i first looked upon your face, i’ve guarded you from the very first day, nothing could take your place, the storms of confused thunder quickly became still, as i discovered that i loved you like no other ever will, i’ve been to so many places that others can only dream, you must be a gift of god as he carried you upon the sea, how in the world did you find me, in this lonely place of mine, you have returned from your journey and it’s been a very, very long time, i would give everything if you could only see me too , the glow you see is not my face my dear, it’s the reflection of you that's seen,

the skylark sings each morning as i hold you, my dream is to write our song, i pray you never leave me, as i need more time to tell, how you shower me daily with poetry with not a word from you, who knew that i could write about us with such a sense of love, i need the words to help me show that you’re a gift from above, now that you hear me, listen to my words, the sea has brought you home my dear and i’m standing upon the shore, make our plans as your way is fine, please oh god i don’t know how to show, how the touch and glow is more than i can stand, without this precious gift there is little else to say,

the lord has looked down upon me and let me glimpse what’s in my hand, i’ll pray for this gift and i’ll will ask god to take a stand.


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