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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Increase the revenue per truck, decrease your truck driver turnover rate, stop having accidents because of bad drivers, PeopleNology by Bodenhamer

PeopleNology is the psychological truth about Recruiting and Retention

Motor Freight Truck Drivers get the

Royal FlushªÔ

by PeopleNology.

Motor Freight Transportation Recruiting

Motor Freight Truck Driver Recruiting & Retention. Get the PeopleNology Royal Flush Introduction Free for the asking simply by writing and take a long look at your future. Stop spending money on white papers, red ink, truck driver hats and coffee cups. Truck Driving Recruiting Advertising Recruitment made easy. PeopleNology the Upper Hand in Truck Driver Recruitment.

Motor Freight Transportation Management will never be the same states Gregory Bodenhamer Ph.D. PeopleNologist for the trucking segment in North America.

Truck Driver Recruiting, Retention, Rewarding and Recognition is the way to profits as stated in “The Royal Flush” C.D.L. Truck Driver program founded by PeopleNology under the direction and management of Ph.D. Gregory L Bodenhamer in Mechanicsburg Pa. The Royal Flush is the main introduction recruiting program for motor freight truck driver recruiters, managers and supervisors. The Royal Flush Companion programs and recruiting systems spell out the psychology of retention, recruiting, rewarding and recognition of employee groups.

After 29 years of executive management in the North American Transportation Segment, both L.T.L. and T.L., including Railroad, 3rd Party Logistics Gregory Bodenhamer founded PeopleNology and Nollijy University in Mechanicsburg Pa. which is the overnight success the motor freight trucking industry has been waiting to entertain.

From coast to coast PeopleNology under the direction of their founder has explored and exploded a lot of the myth of truck driver recruiting and retention. “It seems the industry has sailed on the Titanic” says Bodenhamer “ truck drivers understand the roles and rules of the industry and they have the winning hand” PeopleNology breaks down very complex social engineering disciplines into easy to understand and use programs for the motor trucking segment. “The Royal Flush is simply the first and the most well known Recruiting Plan for Trucking company owners but, we have many more to offer for various sized companies, in various conditions of turnover and profitability.” exclaimed Bodenhamer at the North American Carrier Convention.

The Curiosity of People which Gregory Bodenhamer authored while a general manager of a trucking company lays the solid foundation for recruiters and owners of trucking companies. PeopleNology Recruiting and Retention is nothing like anything in the market today. Bodenhamer takes us all the way back to prehistoric times, the evolutionary emotional triggers that each of us have hot wired inside us and exploits those same triggers. “ You can see what people think and feel what they think and you can also control what they think about most of the time” is a very powerful principle inside the Royal Flush Recruiting and Retention Plan.

“Truck Drivers are People that drive trucks” states the founder “ they are no better or no worse than the owner, the dishwasher or the candle stick maker” “ Why in the world can a truck driver leave one job and get another one in 15 minutes or less?” asked PeopleNologist Bodenhamer of no particular person on the convention floor.

That C.D.L. commercial truck drivers license in their back pocket makes them portable, the one size fits them all kind of employee. Go make a hamburger at McDonalds and then cross the street to Wendy’s and make the same thing. Maybe a different process, maybe a different bun, always a measured price but it’s the same.

“ What’s your company done to be different?” “ How are you going to keep them in the saddle day after day moving down the highways?”

“You’re going to buy them new trucks. You’re going to buy their health insurance. You’re going to get them nice hats and gift cards. They still leave.”

PeopleNology will solve your problems. For less than the cost of a new steering tire on the truck you can get the Royal Flush started inside your trucking company.

“Where your trucking company is today is the result of what you thought about and did yesterday.” Anybody want to argue that point?

“ If your truck driver turnover rate is over 20% you’re going to lose in the market or at the very least have soft profits, mad customers, high auto liability costs, too many claims, poor supervision, lousy revenue growth rates and your own poor health.”

Get the PeopleNology Royal Flush Introduction Free for the asking simply by writing and take a long look at your future. Stop spending money on white papers, red ink, truck driver hats and coffee cups.

PeopleNology is the psychological truth about Recruiting and Retention. The program shows you how to reward and recognize great people and keep them close.

“Increase the revenue per truck, decrease your truck driver turnover rate, stop having accidents because of bad drivers, stop the customer late pick ups and deliveries and get on with building your motor freight business.”

PeopleNology Nollijy University Ph.D. Gregory L Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa 17055 All Rights Reserved and Protected 2006 The Royal Flush EBRAGB091856A
Motor Freight Management Consulting Expert System Design and Instructions

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